On Wednesday, May 18th, Blockstream announced that the Tesla Solar Photovoltaic array was ready to be mounted at its Bitcoin mining facility. The PV array’s power is approximately 3.8 Megawatt and was accompanied by a 12 Megawatt power pack. The mega packs will be used for mining Bitcoin in an eco-friendly way.
The solar equipment will be installed at Blockstream’s mining facility. The mining facility will be able to use solely solar energy to drive 30 petahashes per second of mining hardware. So far, the project has progressed speedily and is set to be completed later this year.
Mining Reports to be Made Available Publicly
Blockstream revealed that the mining reports would be made available publicly on its official website. The report will contain data related to the speed and the quantity of bitcoin mined at the mining facility. The data dashboard will also feature stats related to the storage performance of the equipment as well as uptime metrics.
The data will be available at every hour of the day for Bitcoin analysts and mining experts to view. The project will be the first zero-emission energy facility for Bitcoin mining.
A spokesman from Blockstream said:
“Through our Blockstream Mining partnerships, we are making tremendous strides in showing that Bitcoin mining can fund zero-emission power infrastructure.”
The company is also in touch with Aker and Block Inc. to further develop renewable mining solutions in the crypto space. The mining facility will enable energy producers to get the best returns and encourage the development of more mining facilities based on renewable energy across the globe.
Since the company was founded in 2014, Blockstream has been focused on expanding the capabilities of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. The company has partnered with some tech giants like Digital Garage to achieve its objectives.