A recent upgrade to the messaging program Telegram now lets users establish accounts using unknown numbers based on the blockchain rather than mobile phone numbers. By allowing support for unknown, with several being launched yesterday, $16 blockchain-based phone lines, Telegram has improved its security measures.
What’s in store for Telegram users
Users will now be able to conceal numbers from everyone, which will gratify consumers who value privacy-focused features according to the development. Because these are not virtual sim cards, one cannot use them to call or register on any external service. Telegram already hides people’s private contact information from non-added users on the app.
All numbers are dumped in NFT format on the shore of TON, allowing you to access Telegram through probability. This will likely eventually be incorporated into the wallet that Telegram is currently developing.
The texting service has gained popularity among cryptocurrency fans. The change is a part of an update 9.2 that went live on December 6 and allowed users to eliminate timers on messages in brand-new conversations automatically.
Users must purchase “blockchain-powered anonymous numbers” from Fragment, the decentralized auction website that Pavel Durov, the inventor of Telegram, launched to take advantage of the functionality.
Fragment sells user identities and anonymous phone numbers that are exclusive to Telegram. The Open Network, a cryptocurrency linked with Telegram, is used for purchases on the site (TON).
Fragment regrettably does not provide its services to residents of the United States. People may then use these private numbers to join Telegram and receive SMS with verification codes after acquiring a number. On Fragment, users may buy a random number for 9 TON ($16) or participate in auctions to buy and sell them. As of this writing, “+888 8 888” has the highest offer of 33,075 TON ($60,527), suggesting that some specific numbers are drawing much interest.
Remarks on the development
Telegram, who recently gained Vitalik’s attention as an alternative, did not however receive all the lovely comments on the development.
Sebastian Menge, Co-Founder of Fitburn, claims that in addition to security, the team is implementing new features that will increase the usefulness of the whole TON infrastructure.
Unreasonable data breaches and privacy intrusions will all be a thing of the past if the Anonymous Numbers feature delivers the promised degree of protection. Although this is novel, Sebastian warns that it is essential to be aware of regulatory issues. On the regulation front, the service may encounter considerable challenges. Regulators may contend that the numbers’ secrecy might encourage fraudulent transactions.
“Besides security, the team is bringing in additional features that will bolster the relevance of the entire TON infrastructure. If the Anonymous Numbers feature provides the advertised level of security, undue data breaches and privacy invasions will all become a thing of the past.”
He adds:
“While this is innovative, regulatory concerns are worth taking note of. Regulators can argue that the anonymity the numbers will offer can foster fraudulent transactions and on the regulatory front, the service may face a significant headwind.”
The ability to register with a blockchain number is a step toward even more effective user anonymization, according to Slava Demchuk, co-founder of AMLBot. He further claims that purchasing a virtual number and creating a Telegram account is already possible.
Slava believes that the development is only a new way for users to log in. Telegram’s new product shows their confidence in blockchain despite the recent FTX collapse, which saw two top exchanges beef up, causing enormous amounts of FUD in the sector.