According to Twitter researcher SolomonCrypto, there is a proposal to remove junk codes in ETH’s virtual machine as of a recent Twitter thread. Solomon asserts that the simplicity of Ethereum prevents any entity from gaining control merely because they are the only ones capable of running it. Solomon additionally believes brevity has a price.
Ethereum, whose mainnet transactions sank to 2.5 years recently, is a decentralized computing platform that operates as a single entity throughout the globe and is comprised of a network of thousands of computers. It is also referred to as the “World Computer” (nodes). These nodes are genuine computers that are linked to one another in the real world via wired and wireless connections.
What is the Ethereum virtual machine?
A single, centralized platform for shared data processing is provided by the Ethereum Virtual Machine, which is a component of the wider Ethereum infrastructure (EVM). Within the EVM, where the context for such transactions is established, each and every transaction (computation) takes place.
To quote the Ethereum Builder’s Guide: one of the guiding principles of Ethereum is to keep things as simple as possible.
“Even at the expense of any data storage or time inefficiencies, the Ethereum protocol should be as simple as feasible.” Solomon adds.
In order to finally reduce the impact that any one particular person or elite group may have on the protocol, an ordinary programmer should preferably be able to follow and implement the full specification. This is a great objective, but it does have repercussions according to Solomon.
“We went too far. Garbage may be deployed, and the EVM will execute it bit by bit. We’ve created a machine that consumes trash!” He further quotes
What’s the issue?
Solomon believes the EVM has been clogged with useless code, and as a result, the EVM must use a lot of resources searching for useless code. This is the result of designing for simplicity; the implementation is straightforward but extremely expensive according to him.
In order to begin processing a new command, the EVM must first go through a set of checks. To be explicit, Solomon was talking about machine-coded EVM instructions (not the solidity code, the solidity code is translated to this). The EVM is here searching for stack underflow/overflow according to him.