Arkham, the leading platform for blockchain analysis and intelligence, has announced that it will integrate TRON into its ecosystem later this year. The addition of TRON marks a significant step towards Arkham’s vision of ‘Total Crypto Intelligence,’ which seeks to provide unparalleled transparency and access to the entire blockchain ecosystem.
TRON is one of the largest smart contract platforms in the blockchain ecosystem, with significant inroads in the Asian market. With almost $40 billion of stablecoins on its network, including more Tether (USDT) than any other blockchain, TRON has achieved a level of significance that few other ecosystems have.
By integrating TRON into its platform, Arkham aims to offer users access to TRON’s smart contract ecosystem, allowing them to examine the activities of wallets and entities on the TRON network. This move not only expands the platform’s coverage but also demonstrates Arkham’s commitment to serving markets worldwide, including the fast-growing and critical Asian market.
The integration of TRON into Arkham fulfills two key objectives. Firstly, it brings Arkham closer to providing total coverage of the blockchain world, enabling users to easily track the activities of labeled entities on multiple chains. And secondly, it demonstrates Arkham’s commitment to transparency and legibility, two key tenets of blockchain technology.
This partnership with TRON represents a significant step towards Arkham’s vision of ‘Total Crypto Intelligence.’ By offering users access to TRON’s smart contract ecosystem, Arkham aims to provide unparalleled transparency and access to blockchain technology. As the blockchain ecosystem continues to grow and evolve, Arkham remains committed to providing its users with the most comprehensive and up-to-date blockchain analysis and intelligence.
In conclusion, the integration of TRON into the Arkham platform represents a significant step towards building ‘Total Crypto Intelligence’ across all blockchains. With the addition of TRON, users will be able to make use of Arkham on TRON and easily track the activities of labeled entities, further expanding the platform’s coverage and demonstrating Arkham’s commitment to transparency and legibility.